Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Blooming Flower

Good Morning Everyone!!!! A special warm welcome to all my new followers... feel free to look around and I hope you enjoy your stay!!!

Well...... from previous posts, you will know that I like having peeks at other blogs....... but I especially like Lucy's Blog!!! She is sooooooo very inspirational...... the only trouble is I sometimes loose hours, looking at all the wonderful things in blog land!!!!

Anyway, back to Lucy's Blog........ I wanted to make a cushion cover and nothing out there really did it for me until I spotted This!!!! .

It was love at first sight........ so I thought I would test it out, with some scraps that I had lying about.....

Isn't it scrum-diddly-umptious?????? 

I am truly in love with this, and so are bean and peanut, which is good in one way, but bad, as they may try and steal it for themselves!!!!!  Anyway, I have agreed that I will make them one each, but they will have to be patient and try not steal mine in the meantime!!!!!!!!

So................ on that note, I best get cracking!!!!!  I'm starting to gather UFO's, which is not good!!

Have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Japanese Flowers.


Well, apart from getting ready from graduation last week, I did manage to squeeze in a bit of hooky time........ but only a bit!!!!

I fell victim to the Japanese Flower pattern!!!!!

You can get hold of the pattern by going here - It is Motif Book 4.  I was fortunate enough to borrow a friends copy!  It is a fabulous book and the diagrams weren't as difficult to figure out as I thought they would be! I am using a pink and purple variegated yarn, which is super soft and I decided I would make a scarf and not the whole shawl thingy!

This is my progress so far....... so........ keep your eyes out for a ta-dah moment!!!

Until next time........ happy creating!


Monday, 23 January 2012

Better Late then Never!!

Goooooooood Morning!!!! I hope you have all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend!!!

I have had a fairly quite weekend..... for me!!  (Apart from ferrying the girls to swimming, parties and horse riding!)

Well, last week I made apologies for being late with my post ......... the reason for this ........... and it is a very good reason...... is ............. I graduated!!!

Yip.......... I finally got to wear my Mortarboard and Gown!!!!!!

Here's a picture of me in all my finery!!!

I was soooooooo very proud and sad at the same time!!!! 

I was very proud that I had finally managed to put myself through University, with the help and patience of my lovely hubby and wonderful children, but very sad that my wonderful Mum was not able to see me graduate, as she  passed away in the middle of my second year.......  But then I was all proud again, as I had managed to complete my degree whilst I was going through the turmoil and sadness of losing my Mum, and I knew that she would have been very proud, as I am the first in the family to go to University and get a degree!!!

So...... last week, I was dashing around, making sure garments were ready for everyone, and that I had all the tickets and paperwork that was required!! 

It was lovely to see everyone, but strange that we had completed our degree's 6 months ago, and we were only now just having the graduation ceremony!!!

So.................... that is the reason I did not post anything!

I have also been doing a little bit of hooky work, but more about that in the next post, which will be sooner, rather than later!

So until then........... have a fabby week!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

A bit late!!

Apologies to my readers, but this weeks post is going to be a little bit late, but all will be revealed on Monday!!!! So....... Until then, keep designing and being creative!! Xxxxxx

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Can you believe it has been a whole week already????  It seems like just yesterday I said to you all that I was going to attempt to blog at least once a week......

Well, I've been very busy!  The house is back in order, as beans room is complete and peanut has moved into her new room.  The old room has become an office for MG, so that he can work away in peace and quite, and there are no more boxes strewn across the place!  Bliss! Everyone is happy, and I like a happy home!  The only one not entirely happy is me.....

Do you want to know why?

ok ....

This is why I am not happy...........

This is the state my poor neglected creative space has been left in!!! 

Shocking I know!!!!!!!! 

It all took place when the rennovations began, and it has been used for the last four months as a temporary storage area, for things that are needed, but as time was limited, we couldn't quite sort out!!!  But that has all changed, as I have spent most of the week tidying.... sorting... and discarding!!!!!  It looks oh, so much better, but is still not ready for the grand reveal, which I am hoping to do in the next couple of weeks!!!!

Did you notice the postal bag in front of my stored knitting machines???  Well, I have a friend who knows some-one at a factory and she always manages to get end of line cones of woolly goodness!! She is a very generous friend, as she always shares it with me, as she always ends up with 2 cones of each!!!  I can't wait to finish my creative space, then I can spend time admiring and creating wonderful things with this yarn!!

Whilst my days have been filled with sorting, my evenings have been spent being creative, as that has been the only time that I have been able to do anything...

I have attempted some new techniques in crochet.......

It all began with a subscription to the art of crochet, which I got when I was in the middle of my final year at University.  It is a subscription where you end up creating a blanket with the squares you make......

Up until now, I have read through each new piece of information and admired the hard work of the designers, but not really attempted many squares until a couple of weeks ago, when I tried a square a day.....

Some of the squares are very simple, as I know exactly how to do them, having learnt the technique when I first learnt to crochet. Others have been interesting, as I have learnt different ways of using a simple stitch to create a different effect/texture, which in turn has encouraged me to try different techniques..... The first being crocodile stitch........

this was fun to do, and I love the way the rows overlap each other..... I want to do more with this stitch, but not sure exactly what ..... yet....... I searched crocodile stitch on youtube and watched a video made by crochet geek for anyone else wanting to try this technique.

My late Mum was in my eyes, a Goddess of knitting, sewing and crochet.  I can remember asking her how to do things, and she always know exactly how to do it.  She amazed me!!!!  Sadly when she died two years ago, she took her way of ripple crochet with her, and it became a bit of an obsession for me to create the perfect ripple, as I had always wanted to do a ripple, but never really got the hang of it and I always ended up with a squiffy side!!!  The picture below is one of the last ripple blankets my mother completed.......

She made this for peanut when she was a baby, and to this day, peanut uses this blanket a lot!  But, I was left with a dilemma of not being able to crochet the perfect ripple..... but that all changed this week ...... thanks to Lucy at Attic24. Lucy has a very simple easy peasy tutorial on how to do the perfect ripple, so I am pleased to say I can now do ripples and this is the start of a small ripple blanket ...... 

and I have even managed to work out Mum's pattern, which is not that difficult!!!! Thank you Lucy, I think without your instructions, I would still be searching for a technique on how to do a ripple, as I do have books, but they just seemed too confusing...... until now! 

All these new techniques learnt and discovered gave me the courage to try a sweetheart ripple .......

These were tricky, but the effect is so pretty.... I just need to find the time to create beautiful things with what I have learnt, and some lovely yarn in just the right colour!

I did find the time to make some coasters....

two sets in fact......

and ........

yes, there's more..... 

I made some butterflies......

They were easy to make  and I have a few ideas on how to use these, they are just so sweet, and again I found them on youtube. It was a three part video by shopetsy.

Well, it is time I left you all to complete my creative space rennovation and other bits that I have started, so until next week........ have a fun and creative week.


Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Welcome 2012!!!

Happy New Year to you all!!!

I'm not the type of person to make New Year resolutions, purely because the habit of making plans, criticising, sanctioning and moulding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.

That said, I did make a promise to myself that I would try and create a blog at least once a week, so that it helps me to track what I have actually been doing (creatively speaking!!).

I know that I do loads of things...... I just can't always remember what :-}

So...... Until next week, I hope you have a happy week being creative!